Aquest article del Chicago Tribune es mostra crític amb l’educació financera, en qüestiona la seva efectivitat i utilitat pràctica en el complex panorama financer en què vivim actualment, i remarca la importància de l’assessorament financer de qualitat avalat per certificacions professionals.
April is Financial Literacy Month and to mark the occasion, the National Foundation for Credit Counseling released a new survey about our money habits and our feelings about our financial lives. The survey found that 41 percent of respondents would grade themselves a “C” or lower when it comes to financial know-how; and 61 percent of U.S. adults don’t have a budget, the highest percentage in six years. A third of households carry month-to-month credit card debt; and about two-thirds have not checked their credit scores or reports in the last 12 months.
Five years ago, when I left the financial planning and money management business and became a financial journalist, I had hopes that with a clear, easy-to-understand message, I could somehow help inform the masses. While that may be true, my view of financial literacy changed dramatically after I read Helaine Olen’s fantastic book, “Pound Foolish.” I was fortunate to interview Olen last year and thought the occasion of Financial Literacy Month would be a perfect time to check back in with her…..